40 before 40

My friends and family have been so kind and encouraging after reading my writing on this blog. Typically, I am very private with my writing, as I feel like it is a part of my soul. I am also incredibly hard on my writing and never really feel like it's good or finished. So, as part of an effort to step out of my comfort zone and expand my horizons, so to speak, I am working to build the readership for this blog. I've been working through a couple of websites in the infertility community, have built my Facebook page and Twitter feed, and am promoting myself like crazy. Hence the 31 Days of Blogging and the like.

In this effort, I found some entries on blogs with a "bucket list" of sorts. Most of them were 30 before 30. Well, since I left 30 in the dust some time ago, I made a "40 before 40" list. Just typing 40 as an age feels so strange. In truth, it's only 6 years away (AUGH!!!). But, before we get there, I've given myself some goals. I have also given myself some fodder for my blog, as I check off some of these items as I go.

My husband knows I love to make lists a la Rory Gilmore (shopping lists, to-do lists, packing lists, pro/con lists, and as Jeremy says, lists of lists.) So the streak of Type A that courses through my veins just couldn't wait to make this big list.

So, what made the list?  Here's what I came up with:

1.  Resolve my infertility, for better or for worse.
2.  Find a meaningful way to give back to my community.
3.  Make a lasting connection with someone new.
4.  Make a new best friend who "gets" me.
5.  Get another furbaby.
6.  Venture beyond this country.
7.  Make time for an old friend even if I think I'm too busy.
8.  Meet a good friend who I know but have never had the chance to meet in person.
9.  Write something and make money from it.
10. Present at an educational conference
11. Spend an entire week with my nieces.
12. Take a vacation with only my husband (and possibly Fred).
13. Find something new I am surprisingly good at.
14. Buy impractical shoes... and wear them.
15. Lose 2 dress sizes.
16. Run a 5K.
17. Participate in the Walk of Hope.
18. Be a mentor for someone who needs it.
19. Find something that makes me completely uncomfortable and do it anyway.
20. Find peace with my journey through faith.
21. Learn (and enjoy) a new game.
22. Tell someone who doesn't know it just how much they mean to me.
23. Do a selfless act of kindness with no expectation of reciprocation.
24. Take up a hobby for nothing but enjoyment and relaxation.
25. Listen to my husband when he gives me sound advice.
26. Host a true celebration in our home.
27. Take a road trip just because.
28. Decorate my home in a way I am proud of.
29. Truly forgive someone with whom I have long held onto anger.
30. Do something completely out of character and OWN IT.
31. Enjoy the ride on the path to something difficult.
32. Find an occasion to wear a fancy, gorgeous dress.
33. Dance in the rain... preferably with my husband.
34. Do something totally touristy and LOVE it.
35. Donate books in memory of my mother.
36. Have a brush with fame.
37. Have 15 minutes of fame.
38. Forgive myself for all the ways I feel inadequate.
39. Visit a state I have never visited before.
40. Take care of myself, not because I want to be someone's mother, but because there are already people who love and value me, who would miss me if I left this earth.

By no means is this a "be all, end all" of bucket lists. But, it is mine. I want to do these things. I think they would be good for me. I think they will challenge me, inspire me and lead me forward, no matter how my journey to parenthood ends. I'll be posting from time to time as I can cross one of these off of the list.

But, I would love to hear what all of you think. What's on your list? Are any of mine going to move to yours? Have you thought about what your list should be? What's something you want to do before you hit that next milestone birthday?


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