The Nine Years of Marriage (Happy Anniversary, Jeremy!)

Sometimes in the midst of infertility struggles, you fail to focus on the gifts you’ve been given in your life. Today is nine years ago since I walked down the aisle and married my best friend. I am truly grateful for my crazy, dorky, sweet, handsome, amazing rock of a husband. He’s the one person who is always here and who rarely gets to turn off my crazy. His gentle reassurances keep me moving forward when I don’t feel like there is any more gas left in my tank. Sometimes, I know the only way the gas gauge moves is the fact that he is syphoning off some of his for me. He offers me hope and makes me want to keep going. I really thought I loved my husband the day I married him. The rocky path we’ve traversed together shows me that August 14, 2004 was only the tip of the iceberg. The depth and breadth of our love has grown in ways I have never imagined. We may not always agree, but we always back one another up. In my opinion, that’s what marriage should be.

So, enough with the sappy sentimentality, right? I love my husband, yadda yadda yadda. Since Jeremy has a “quirky” sense of humor, I decided to re-write a song for him as an anniversary “gift.” Since it ended up being kind of funny, I decided to share it with you, too.

The 9 Years of Marriage

Set to the tune of “The 12 Days of Christmas”

In 9 years since our wedding, my true love’s survived with me

12 crazy breakdowns

11 raging debates

10 Clomid cycles

9 different hair styles

8 Dave Matthews concerts

7 moves and houses

6 schools as teachers

5 years of “trying”

4 states of residence

3 career swaps

2 docs in our “business”


Raising Fred, our Peke-Baby.

Our sense of humor and faith in one another make me believe that these first nine years were just the introduction. We’ve got a lot of story left to write and we’re ready to face whatever comes next. We don’t know what the future holds, but I am certain we’ll navigate the journey holding one another in this crazy, mixed up world. He’ll be there holding my hand when we find out if we can do IUI this month. We’ll face whatever comes next the only way we know how: together.


  1. I tried to comment on your blog earlier, but am not sure it went through. I found you through the Sept IUI thread on BabyCenter (I am Jerlebaby). Happy belated anniversary. What a sweet post, and a great twist to a Christmas classic. I hope good news is coming your way soon. All the best, and great connecting with you. :)


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